COVID-19 Vaccine
Expect More From Life

Hundreds of Stoneridge Creek residents have rolled up their sleeves and received the COVID-19-preventing vaccine that could save their lives. Around 1,200 residents and team members became some of the first people in the area to receive the vaccine.
“We’ve had a lot of fun with it,” said Stoneridge Creek Executive Director Zeke Griffin to The Pleasanton Weekly. “It [the vaccine] symbolizes more than just getting a vaccine, it’s hopefully getting back to normal. We know that doesn’t happen tomorrow, that doesn’t happen three weeks from now, but it’s getting closer and this is a legitimate effort to get closer.”
Throughout the pandemic, Stoneridge Creek residents have remained socially engaged while practicing appropriate distance and wearing protective masks. They’ve participated in several small group activities through exercise classes and musical events. Both staff and residents are hopeful that through the distribution of the vaccine, they may be able to return to “normalcy.”
FOX 2 and KPIX5 were there on vaccination day. You can watch their report below or read more in The Pleasanton Weekly and The San Francisco Chronicle.
Fox 2 Video
KPIX 5 Video
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Stoneridge Creek
3300 Stoneridge Creek Way
Pleasanton, CA 94588
tel 925-227-6800
State of California License #019200474 – Certificate of Authority #262
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