
We are pleased to be hearing some positive news related to COVID-19 in California.  This seems to be a direct result of the strong mitigations efforts put into place early on.  As the Governor suggests, the curve appears to be bending.  This was the initial goal, so critical health resources wouldn’t get overwhelmed early on and result in potentially tragic outcomes.  But health officials will now remind us – this also means the curve is stretching out further, since it is likely fewer CA residents have been exposed to COVID-19.  The risk remains high.

What does this mean for us?  It means that we should be proud of our efforts to date and hopeful for the future.  But it also requires that we not let our guard down.  We need to continue to closely follow health official guidance even as we’re tempted to relax and visit briefly with friends and family during the holidays or run a quick errand that has been long postponed.  Now is not the time to let up.

It remains critically important to keep practicing what we have all been asked to do:

  • Social Isolation – Stay at Home and Avoid Social Gatherings
  • Physical Distancing – Remain minimum of 6 feet away from others
  • Face Coverings – Wearing face covering when you are not able to maintain physical distancing
  • Cover Your Coughs and Sneezes
  • Wash Your Hands
  • Avoid Touching Your Face

We continue to have a strict NO VISITOR policy in place, even over the holidays.  We realize this is difficult, but it was put in place to protect everyone.

We look forward to the day we can greet and maybe even hug each other in person.  Thank you for taking care of yourself and others and supporting our community’s response during these unprecedented times.